Idioms or Proverbs Worksheets for Class 8

Idioms Meaning

An idiom is a word or phrase with a different meaning than its literal meaning. Often, in idioms, a word or phrase has an entirely different meaning from its literal meaning, but it can still be understood due to its popularity. They are used in everyday life to express meaning.

Check out this Worksheet for Idiom to better understand the concept.


Directions - Circle the Idiom in each sentence below.

Example - Meghna fell down in the dump because she failed the test.

Ans - Down in the dump

  1. Shreya had butterflies in her stomach before her badminton tournament.
  2. The cricket player is as fit as fiddle.
  3. My parents rolled out the red carpet to welcome relatives.
  4. Varun was a bundle of nerves before getting his driving test results.
  5. We need to get back the basics.

Proverbs Meaning

Proverbs are short sentences that people often quote that give advice or tell you something about life. The proverb is a simple, concrete, traditional saying that expresses a perceived truth based on common sense or experience. Proverbs often use metaphors and formulaic language. Collectively, they constitute the folklore genre.

Check out this Worksheet for Proverb to better understand the concept.


Directions - Complete each proverb by writing the missing last word.

  1. Give the cold _______________.
  2. A penny for your _______________.
  3. Blood is thicker than ______________.
  4. A penny saved is a penny ____________.
  5. You can’t teach an old dog new ____________.