Logical Reasoning Worksheets for Class 8

Logical reasoning worksheets for class 8 are a category of aptitude questions that require logical analysis to be answered effectively. Most of the questions are conceptual, while the remainder are out-of-the-box thinking questions.

Logical Reasoning Worksheets: How To Solve Them?

Some suggestions for solving questions and answers related to Logical Reasoning are as follows:

  • Make sure you read and understand everything.
  • Make sure you analyze the information logically.
  • Try to come up with all possible solutions.
  • Comparing with other possible answers.
  • Analyze the situation logically.

Questions in the Logical Reasoning Worksheet Section

  • Verbal Questions

    Solving these questions does not require using pens and paper.

  • Image-Based Questions

    There may be an image of a mirror or a paper construction in the question, and candidates must find similar or dissimilar figures.

  • Puzzle Questions

    You can use it differently to arrange people/days/months/places, etc.

  • Sequence Questions

    You may be given a series of numbers, alphabets, or people, and then you may be asked questions based on them.

Answering more questions on a topic helps candidates understand it more deeply and also familiarize themselves with the concept.

A candidate can prepare for all topics in the reasoning ability section by looking at the logical reasoning worksheet page containing topic-specific questions.