Learn Class 6 General Knowledge - Plants and Animals

Plants and animals play an essential role in the environment, and it would be impossible for humans to produce many materials without them. As a class 6 student, your child might have some basic knowledge about plants and animals, but if you let them sit in the Class 6 General Knowledge - Plants and Animals quiz, it will help class 6 learn more about animals and plants.

There are three living things: animals, plants, and humans. They all have specific properties in common, such as growing, feeding, reproducing, and removing waste. Are you aware that there are thousands of species and several processes class 6 students might not have heard of? In spite of this, this quiz will be helpful to the class 6 students to learn more about plants and animals. It is a perfect structure for these questions.

Here are some sample questions from the General Knowledge - Plants and Animals quiz for class 6 students:

Which animal has a tadpole stage?

  • Butterfly
  • Mosquito
  • Frog

Which animal does not hatch through an egg?

  • Cat
  • Turtle
  • Chicken

Which animal has horns when they grow up?

  • Dogs
  • Carabao
  • Lions