Learn Class 9 General Knowledge - Plants and Animals

Plants and animals are a part of their school syllabus, and the students of class 9 should be aware of it. It makes sure that class 9 students have plenty of knowledge about their surroundings and how important they are for their living. By learning plants and animals, the class 9 students will learn about them in detail.

Moreover, general knowledge questions about plants and animals give a brief idea to the students and help them perform better in their academic schedules. The list of plants and animals quiz questions and answers will expand class 9 student knowledge and help them understand their surroundings more effectively.

  • In plants sections, it will help the class 9 student learn about plants' insights like their food, photosynthesis process, and other elements.
  • The animal section will help the class 9 student learn about the animals, their features, the difference between domestic and wild animals, shapes, sizes, food, and many more. You will also learn about their history, resemblance, and importance.

Question about Class 9 General Knowledge - Plants and Animals

  1. What is the name of the giant kangaroo? - Red kangaroo
  2. What is the name of the smallest dog? - Chihuahua
  3. What is the name of the largest Indian deer? -Sambar
  4. What is the female rabbit called? - Doe