Learn Class 3 Science - Human Body

Human Body Systems

Humans have important body systems that help us stay alive and healthy. Each system plays an important role, and is made up of several key organs and components. The unit The Human Body helps students explore the structures that make up their body, and how the various parts of their body work together. This unit focuses on the following body systems: skeletal, muscular, nervous, respiratory, circulatory, digestive, and excretory.

Your body is a complex machine. From your brain to your heart to your stomach to your bones and muscles, all of your body systems are constantly doing very important jobs. Below you will learn about five of your body systems.

The Muscular System

The muscles of your body make up your muscular system. All muscles create movement, but you have three different types. Learn about your skeletal, smooth and cardiac muscles.

The Skeletal System: Facts & Functions

Your skeletal system is all about your bones. Bones give your body its basic shape, help you move and protect delicate organs. Bones also do weird things, like make blood cells and allow us to hear! Learn fun facts about your skeletal system.

Parts of the Skeletal System

Your skeletal system is made up of bones, joints, ligaments and cartilage. Learn about these parts of your skeletal system, and discover why babies have more bones than adults!

Nervous System Functions

In this lesson, we'll discuss the nervous system and its function. You'll learn about the main parts of the nervous system - the central and peripheral nervous systems - and how they function in the body.

Human Brain: Function & Diagram

Your brain is a bumpy, gray blob. It might not look like much, but it does almost everything for you! In this lesson, we'll learn about the three main parts of your brain and what they do.

Human Eye: Facts & Anatomy

The human eye is composed of many different tissues. In this lesson, we'll discuss the tissues that play a significant role in focusing light on the retina. We'll follow the light from outside the eye to the retina, through the optic nerve and to the brain.

The Parts of the Ears

Your ears are made up of three main parts, the external ear, middle ear, and internal ear. Sound waves move into your external ear causing the eardrum to vibrate, which moves the tiny bones of your middle ear, and then it's on to the internal ear.

Learning Videos for 3rd Grade Science - Human Body

Human Body Sample Questions for Class 3

Question 1

Which of the following organ help us in the sense of feeling?
A. Eyes
B. Ears
C. Skin

Question 2

Which of the following activities help us to live healthy life?
A. Eating too much of butter, cheese, paneer etc., in daily diet
B. Eating junk food
C. Eating balanced diet

Question 3

Fill in the blank box “X” shown in the given table.
A. Brain
B. Nerves
C. Brain B. Nerves
D. Brain B. Nerves C. Blood vessels

Question 4

Which of the following body systems help to transport oxygen to all parts of the body?
A. Respiratory system
B. Nervous system
C. Circulatory system

Question 5

The number of milk teeth in a new born baby are ____
A. 5
B. 6
C. 0