Learn Class 11 Math - Lines and Angles

In mathematics, a straight line is defined as a line followed by a point travelling in a constant direction with no curvature. Straight lines connect two points shortest distance.

Lines can be divided into many types, such as horizontal, perpendicular, vertical, and parallel.


Horizontal line

When a line moves from east to west, it is horizontal.

Perpendicular line

When any two lines meet each other at an angle of 90° is called a perpendicular line.

Vertical line

A straight line from up to down is called a vertical line.

Parallel line

When any two lines don't meet, touch, or intersect even at infinity, that line is called a parallel line.


A straight line that touches the curve is called a tangent at any given point.


An angle is formed when two rays are united at a common point. An angle is usually measured in degrees, radians, or gradians.

  • Acute angles are formed between 0° to 90°.
  • An obtuse angle is formed between 90° to 180°.
  • An angle equal to 180°>is called a straight angle.
  • Reflex angles are greater than 180° and less than. 360°.
  • And an entire rotation of an angle leads to 360°.