Learn Class 3 Math - Logical Reasoning

The logical reasoning part is the most important one in competitive exams. It comprises various kinds of reasoning questions meant to conclude the candidate's analytical and logical reasoning skills.

The logical reasoning problems can be verbal or non-verbal:

In verbal logical reasoning questions, the conceptions and problems are stated in words. The applicants must read the given point or section and pick the right solution from the given alternatives.

In non-verbal logical reasoning questions, the concepts and problems are shown in figures, images or pictures. The applicants are expected to get them before picking the right solution out of the provided choices.

Tips to Solve Logical Reasoning

It is no doubt; some students find Logical reasoning to be a tricky one. To solve them, it is essential to have deep precision and a good focus. The logical reasoning questions are somewhat hard to crack, and they comprise several diagrams and graphic representations of shapes or symbols. Some tips to solve logical reasoning questions is as follows:

Practice consistently

You should practice consistently by solving the questions with a specific method. With these questions, it becomes easy to test out the logical reasoning capacity. You can arrange the shapes and patterns in a specific order and practice similar questions.

Develop thinking habits

The logical reasoning problem requires analytical thinking. A learner who thinks more logically can solve logical reasoning questions with ease. You can also practice developing logical thinking by engaging in other activities like crosswords, puzzles, etc.

Learning Videos for 3rd Grade Math - Logical Reasoning