Learn Class 4 Math - Geometry

Geometry is that branch of mathematics that has angles, shapes, dimensions, and sizes of several things that we generally see in our everyday lives. In Euclidean geometry, you will notice 2-D shapes and 3-D shapes.

In-plane Geometry 2, most shapes like a square, circle, triangle, and rectangle are considered. These are called Flat shapes. Several 3D shapes, just like Cube, Cuboid, Cone, etc., are considered in Solid geometry. These are called Solids. The basic geometry is based on line, plane, which is explained in the Coordinate geometry.

Several types of shapes in Geometry help us understand the shapes in our everyday life. With the help of these geometric concepts, it is essential to calculate the perimeter, volume, and area of shapes.

Branches of Geometry

  1. Algebraic Geometry – It is that branch of geometry that includes linear and polynomial algebraic equations used to determine the sets of zeros.
  2. Discrete Geometry – It is concerned with the corresponding position of simple geometric objects, such as points, lines, etc.
  3. Differential Geometry – It uses techniques of algebra and calculus for problem solving.
  4. Euclidean Geometry – The study of plane and solid figures based on axioms and theorems, including points, lines, planes, etc.

Geometry Formulas

To determine the area, perimeter, volume, and sizes using length, breadth, and height of various geometrical figures, geometry formulas are required.

Learning Videos for 4th Grade Math - Geometry

Geometry Sample Questions for Class 4

Question 1

Which of the following is a polygon made up of three segements?
A. Triangle
B. Square
C. Rectangle
D. B and C

Question 2

A simple closed figure made up of 4 equal segments is called _______.
A. Triangle
B. Square
C. Rectangle
D. B and C

Question 3

A closed figure which is not made up of any line segments is called ______.
A. Triangle
B. Square
C. Circle
D. None of the above

Question 4

Which figure can be drawn from centre and using radius?
A. Circle
B. Rectangle
C. Square
D. None of the above

Question 5

If a radius of a circle is 14 cm, then what is its diameter?
A. 7 cm
B. 28 cm
C. 8 cm
D. 22 cm