Learn Class 8 Math - Introduction to Graphs

Graphs are visible illustrations of information collected. Its reason is to expose numerical information in bodily shape to be understood quickly, effortlessly, and clearly.

Bar Graphs

A bar graph is used to reveal contrast amongst or greater special categories. Parallel vertical bars (rectangular) symbolize the information on a bar graph.

Pie Charts

A pie graph is used to symbolize the components of an entire. A circle is used to symbolize the whole.

The pie graph underneath symbolizes people’s desire for tv channels. The circle as an entire right here is represented by using all of the folks that took components withinside the survey.

In a pie chart, the total sum of the possible outcomes is not an absolute, so it ought to represent as much as 100%.


A histogram is not anything but a bar graph; this is used to organize numbers into ranges. It indicates information in durations, just like the case of the desk below.

Application of Graphs

Depending on how the values of a variable alternate with admiration to each other, we've got types: unbiased and established variables.

Independent (or control) variable is one in which its cost doesn’t alternate with admiration to every other amount.

The dependent variable is one in which the cost does alternate with admiration to every other amount.