Learn Class 8 Math - Visualising Solid Shapes

Solids have a hard and fast form and occupy a space. A shape is made from polygonal regions referred to as its faces.

Two Dimensional Object

A form with the handiest dimensions (duration and width) and no thickness is known as a -dimensional form. Squares, Circles, Triangles, and so on are -dimensional objects. Also regarded as “2D”.

Three Dimensional Objects - Solids

Shapes that may be measured in three instructions are referred to as third-dimensional shapes. These shapes also are referred to as strong shapes. Their dimensions are length, width, and height (or intensity or thickness).

Solids and Their Classification

  • Hexagon - In geometry, the hexagon is a polygon with 6 facets. The Sum of all inside angles is the same as 720°. If all of the facets of the hexagon are the same, then it's far known as an ordinary hexagon, then every indoors perspective measures 120°.
  • Non-Polyhedrons - Solids with curved faces are known as Non-polyhedrons. They also may be defined as solids with facets that aren't polygons. Example: Sphere, Cylinder, Cone, etc.
  • Prism - A prism is a solid whose aspect faces are parallelograms and whose ends (or bases) are congruent parallel polygons.

Visualising Solid Shapes Sample Questions for Class 8

Question 1

Which of the following statement is correct?
A. Diagonals of rectangle bisects each other at right angle
B. Diagonals of parallelogram bisects each other
C. Diagonals of square are not equal
D. Diagonals of rhombus are equal

Question 2

Which of the following statement is incorrect?
A. Parallelogram can be a rectangle
B. Trapezium can have non parallel sides equal
C. Sqaure can be a rectangle
D. Trapezium can be a parallelogram

Question 3

Identify the quadrilateral: i) Opposite sides are parallel ii) Opposite sides are equal iii) Adjacent angles are different iv) Diagonals bisect each other
A. Parallelogram
B. Rectangle
C. Square
D. Rhombus

Question 4

What is measure of interior angle of a regular hexagon?
A. 60
B. 150
C. 120
D. 80

Question 5

Which regular polygon has sum of all interior angles 1260?
A. Nonagon
B. Octagon
C. Septagon
D. Decagon