Learn Class 2 Science - Food

Food is essential for our body. Food helps us to maintain a healthy heart, working muscles, active brain and much more. In addition, it provides us with the energy to perform a task. Also, food is loaded up with nutrients that help us in getting several food items. Food that we consume comes from plants and animals.

Let’s have a look at different Foods that human beings eat.

Plant Foods

Several fruits that we get from plants are naturally sweet. They keep us strong and healthy. Some fruits include Muskmelon, Cherry, Grapes, Banana, and Mango etc.


Vegetables are loaded with several nutrients. Some vegetables like Spinach, Garlic, Tomato, Broccoli etc., are very nutritious. Other vegetables include Cauliflower, Radish, Capsicum, Onion, Spinach etc.

Food from animals

The food we get from animals gives us extra protein and helps to strengthen the muscles along with the immune system. These foods include Buttermilk, Yoghurt, Cheese, Milk etc.

Healthy food

Those foods that provide essential nutrients to the body are counted in Healthy foods. These healthy foods are essential for the maintenance and growth of the body.

Junk food

Junk foods are rich in Calories. Therefore, they are not suitable for health, and it is difficult to digest them. They are tasty, but they contain fewer nutrients. Some Junk food includes Samosa, burgers, Pizza, Chips etc.

Therefore, every child should eat healthy and nutritious food for its proper growth.

Learning Videos for 2nd Grade Science - Food

Food Sample Questions for Class 2

Question 1

We need food for _____.
A. To play
B. To write
C. To sleep
D. All of the above actions

Question 2

Which of the following meal should be consumed less compared to other meals?
A. Breakfast
B. Lunch
C. Dinner
D. Evening snacks

Question 3

Rahi falls sick frequently. What should she eat more?
A. Chapati
B. Fruits and vegetables
C. Rice and dal
D. All of the above

Question 4

Radha says, " We should eat chocolates everyday as it gives carbohydrates " Malti says," We should drink milk everyday as it is a complete food." Wasim says," We should eat balanced food and exercise everyday. " Raja says," We should eat only fruits everyday. " Who among the four are saying correct statement?
A. Malti and Wasim
B. Radha and Wasim
C. Malti ,Wasim and Raja
D. Malti and Raja

Question 5

Rinki is a baby. Sameer is a boxer. Riya is a patient and Sam is a shopkeeper. Who among the four will require more carbohydrates?
A. Rinki
B. Sameer
C. Riya
D. Sam