Learn Class 4 Science - Food and Digestion

Functions of small intestine

The function of small intestine are as follows

Mixing of digestive juices

digestive juices are mixed in small intestine provided by the inner wall of small intestine, pancreas, liver.

Complete digestion of food

the food is completely digested in small intestine.

Absorption of digested food

The blood vessels present on the wall of small intestine absorb the digested food and carry it to all the parts of the body.

Functions of Mouth in Digestion

Process of digestion starts in the mouth. Teeth bite and chew the food and break it into small pieces. The digestive juice called saliva secreted by the salivary glands  mixes with the food while chewing. Saliva changes the insoluble starch in food into soluble sugar. Which makes the food easy to digest.

Digestion process from stomach to large intestine

The process of digestion of food from stomach to large intestine is as follows.


The stomach is a hollow muscular bag in which the food is churned.

digestive juices present in the stomach break down the proteins present in the food into a simpler form.

Small intestine

Mixing of digestive juices - digestive juices are mixed in small intestine provided by the inner wall of small intestine, pancreas and liver.

Complete digestion of food - the food is completely digested in small intestine.

Absorption of digested food - the blood vessel present on the Wall of small intestine absorb the digested food and carry it to all the parts of the body.

Large intestine

The undigested food passes into the large intestine. Blood vessels in the Wall of large intestine absorbs the extra water. Semi solid waste is passed out through the anus.

What is Food Preservation

The process of treating food in a way that preserves its value for a long time is called preservation of food.

Food can be preserved in following ways

  • boiling
  • Canning
  • refrigeration
  • pickling
  • drying.

Learning Videos for 4th Grade Science - Food and Digestion

Food and Digestion Sample Questions for Class 4

Question 1

Which of the following is not a nutrient ?
A. Protein
B. Carbohydrate
C. Wheat
D. Vitamin

Question 2

What makes our bones and teeth strong ?
A. Carbohydrate
B. Protein
C. Iron
D. Calcium

Question 3

Which of the following gives energy ?
A. Carbohydrates
B. Proteins
C. Roughage
D. Minerals

Question 4

What helps to remove undigested food from our body ?
A. Protein
B. Vitamin
C. Roughage
D. Fat

Question 5

Preserving food with oil and salt is called
A. refrigerating
B. pickling
C. drying
D. canning