Learn Class 4 Science - Human Needs

Human need basic needs to stay alive. The basic needs are air, water, food and shelter.


  1. Human need air to breathe.
  2. Human breathe in and breathe out air through their nose.
  3. Without air, humans could not breathe and would die.


Water is very important to humans. Human need water:

  1. to replace water that is lost during breathing, sweating and urination.
  2. to remove waste products from the body.
  3. to digestion.
  4. to grow and stay healthy.
  5. to control body temperature.
  6. for bathing, washing and cleaning.
  7. Our bodies are largely made up of water; more than half of our weight is water.
  8. when we breathe, sweat and urinate, our bodies will lose water.
  9. In order to maintain our body, we need to dringk seven glasses of water every day.
  10. We also obtain water from food we eat. Food like vegetables and fruits contain a large amount of water.


  1. Human need food to stay alive.
  2. Food helps us to grow, gain energy, build and replace damaged cells and tissues.
  3. A balanced diet helps us to stay healthy. it contains all classes of food in the correct amount.
  4. Human need to eat and dringk to help them grow and stay healthy.


  1. Humans need shelter to protect themselves from danger and bad weather like hot, cold, rain and storms.
  2. There are different types of human shelters, namely double - storey houses, long houses, apartments, single storey houses, huts and flats.

Learning Videos for 4th Grade Science - Human Needs

Human Needs Sample Questions for Class 4

Question 1

Cotton clothes keep us
A. warm
B. cool
C. wet
D. dry

Question 2

You wear uniform to
A. hospital
B. school
C. party
D. work

Question 3

Which types of clothes keep you warm in winter season ?
A. Cotton clothes
B. Woolen clothes
C. Raincoat
D. None of these

Question 4

Which of the following is not a natural fibre ?
A. Cotton
B. Silk
C. Nylon
D. Wool

Question 5

To protect clothes from insects, they are kept with
A. perfume
B. sugar
C. mothballs
D. water