Learn Class 5 Science - Human Body and Health

Every human being comprises a physical structure that is called the human body. The human body must be healthy for a happy life. Therefore, we should maintain the human body.

Facts of a Human body

  • The cells, tissues, and organs make up a human body.
  • Every human body has five sense organs, the nose, ear, eye, tongue, and skin.
  • The body has 206 bones.
  • The elements present in the body include hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, calcium, and phosphorus.


A healthy person is fine both physically and mentally. A person with good health can enjoy life and accomplish their goals.

A person with good health has the following characteristics.

  • They are energetic
  • They are free from illness
  • They have perfect body proportions
  • They have control over emotions
  • They are sensitive to others’ needs
  • They are confident and stress-free.

Healthy food

Food gives us energy and immunity against different diseases. Therefore, we should choose foods that produce the energy needed by our bodies. We should eat food rich in nutrients to maintain a healthy body.

Physical health

A person whose body is in good working condition is said to be physically healthy.

Ways to maintain good health

  • Exercise daily.
  • Eat a balanced diet and avoid eating junk food.
  • Maintain personal hygiene.
  • Get enough sleep.
  • Look after your eyes and teeth.

Human Body and Health Sample Questions for Class 5

Question 1

What is an Esophagus?
A. It is the part of the digestive system between the stomach and the small intestine.
B. It is the part of the digestive system between the stomach and the large intestine.
C. It is the part of the digestive system between the mouth and the stomach.
D. It is the part of the digestive system that provides acids to the stomach.

Question 2

Other than touch, what other things are detected by the skin?
A. Sound
B. Temperature and pain
C. Brightness
D. Bitterness

Question 3

What happens after the light enters the eyes?
A. Eye tries to find the colors in the light.
B. Eye tries to find the object.
C. Eye creates an image at the back of the eye.
D. Eye creates a story at the back of the eye.

Question 4

What happens when a sound wave enters the ear?
A. It vibrates the eardrum and produces the signals that are sent to the heart.
B. It vibrates the eardrum and produces the signals that are sent to the brain.
C. It reflects back and produces the signals that are sent to the brain.
D. It directly goes to the brain without interference.

Question 5

Which part of the body provides you sense of smell?
A. Ear
B. Skin
C. Nose
D. Mouth