Learn Class 5 Science - Plants

We see different varieties of plants around us. Some plants are tiny in size, and some are huge. Each plant differs in appearance and characteristics.

Morphological classification of plants


These plants are of small size, and grow up to three or four feet above the ground, and have soft stems. A few examples of herbs include mint and coriander.


They are bigger than herbs, rising two to three meters above the ground. A few examples of shrubs include the rose plant and the jasmine plant.


These are large plants and can grow from five to 20 meters in height. A few examples of trees include coconut trees, mango trees, and banyan trees.

Plants and their habitat


These types of plants live on land. They require a moderate amount of water to survive. A few examples include rose, neem.


These plants live in water and cannot survive without it. Example- water lily.


These plants live in deserts, and they need only a little water to survive. An example is a cactus.

Flowering plants

The flowering plants are of two types.


A few examples are pine, cycas


A few examples are dicots and monocots.

Non-flowering plants

These are of three types.


Examples include Spirogyra.


Examples include Mosses.


Examples include ferns.

Plants Sample Questions for Class 5

Question 1

What are stomata?
A. A tiny opening on plant leaves used as a passageway for gases and water.
B. A special cell plant leaves used as a passageway for gases and water.
C. A type of fibrous hair like structure.
D. A type of plant that grows in desert.

Question 2

What is the name of the protective layer of a leaf?
A. Epidermis
B. Cell
C. Sheet
D. Endoskeleton

Question 3

The process of joining the female sex cell with the male sex cell is called _____.
A. Fertilization
B. Perspiration
C. Transpiration
D. Germination

Question 4

Which of the following are the examples of spores?
A. Mosses and ferns
B. Grape vine
C. Potato plant
D. Oak tree

Question 5

Which of the following product does not comes from plants?
A. Cotton
B. Wood
C. Gasoline
D. Paper