Learn Class 5 Science - Pollution and Calamities


The contamination of land, air, or water is called pollution, and it can be natural or human-made. The substances that are responsible for causing pollution are called pollutants.

Types of pollution

Air pollution

The contamination of the air is called pollution. The smoke from vehicles, dust storms are examples of air pollution. Air pollution leads to many diseases like lung cancers and asthma.

Water pollution

Any undesirable change in water is called water pollution. It occurs when oils or chemicals get discharged into water bodies. Water pollution leads to many diseases like dysentery and jaundice.

Land pollution

Undesirable changes in the land are called land pollution. Dumping garbage or poisonous wastes in the land causes this pollution.

Noise pollution

Loudspeakers, vehicles, etc., cause noise pollution.

Natural Calamities

The natural disasters that affect life are called calamities.


The immediate shaking of the ground due to vibration beneath the Earth is called an earthquake.


When an Earthquake occurs under the sea or ocean, a tsunami takes place. The waves of the Tsunami are as high as 20 to 30 meters and are life-threatening.


The lack of water due to lowered rainfall is known as drought. The shortage of water affects life.

Pollution and Calamities Sample Questions for Class 5

Question 1

Which is not the layer of the Earth's atmosphere ?
A. troposhere
B. mesosphere
C. exosphere
D. zerosphere

Question 2

Which gas is required by plants for photosynthesis ?
A. nitrogen
B. carbon dioxide
C. helium
D. hydrogen

Question 3

Which one is not correct ?
A. air occupies space
B. air exerts pressure
C. air is colourful
D. air has weight

Question 4

Water is not used for
A. cooking
B. walking
C. irrigating farms
D. producing electricity

Question 5

Which is not a way to remove insoluble impurities from water ?
A. sedimentation
B. decantation
C. filtration
D. distillation