Learn Class 5 Science - Level 2 & Achievers

Level 2 & Achievers Sample Questions for Class 5

Question 1

Study the diagram. Which pair of magnets attract each other.
A. A and B
B. A and C
C. B and C
D. C and D

Question 2

To make a cooking vessel following characteristics should be in the materials used to make vessel and handle. 1) Vessel material should be good conductor of heat. 2) Vessel material should be non corrosive. 3) Handle material should be bad conductor of heat. Choose the correct materials.
A. Vessel - Iron , Handle - Wood
B. Vessel - Iron, Handle - Stainless steel
C. Vessel - Stainless steel , Handle -Wood
D. Vessel - Stainless steel, Handle - Iron

Question 3

Two balls of same size one made up of iron and other of plastic .Which will travel longer distance if kicked with same force?
A. Iron
B. Plastic
C. Both will travel same distance
D. Cannot Say

Question 4

Meena poured boiling hot water into the plastic bottle. Wrapped it with cotton cloth. After half an hour the water was still hot. What can be possible reasons? A) Cloth traps the layer of air which doesn't allow heat to escape. B) Plastic is a bad conductor of heat. C) Cloth is a bad conductor of heat. D) Plastic is good conductor of heat.
A. Only A
B. A and B
C. C and D
D. A, C and D

Question 5

Water given out by stomata (small pores on the leaves) of the plant resembles to which of the following process?
A. Boiling
B. Condensation
C. Evaporation
D. None of the above