Learn Class 1 Math - Number Sense

Place Value

We have single digit, two digits, three digits, etc. numbers. For single digit numbers (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) we use only one place to write. This place is known as Ones Place.

We need two places to write two-digit numbers. 10, 11, 12, etc. are some examples of two-digit numbers. Let’s consider 12 as two-digit numbers. In this case 2 is in the Ones Place, and 1 is in the Tens Place.

Similarly, we need three places for three-digit numbers. 100, 101, 102, 103, etc. are examples of three-digit numbers. Let’s consider 103 as three-digit numbers. Here, 3 is in the Ones Place, 0 is in Tens Place and 1 is in Hundred Place.

Order of Numbers

We can arrange the numbers in two ways, one is from smallest to biggest and the other one is from biggest to smallest.

Smallest to Biggest

When you write a group of numbers from smallest to biggest it is called ascending order.

Biggest to Smallest

When you write a group of numbers from biggest to smallest it is called descending order.


When we add 1 to a number, the answer is the successor number.


When we subtract 1 from a number, the answer is the predecessor number.

Learning Videos for 1st Grade Math - Number Sense

Number Sense Sample Questions for Class 1

Question 1

88 = ____________.
A. Eighty six
B. Eighty seven
C. Eighty eight
D. Eighty nine

Question 2

104 _____ 113
A. >
B. =
C. <
D. None of these

Question 3

99, 69, 89, 105. Which one is the largest number?
A. 99
B. 69
C. 89
D. 105

Question 4

6 tens = _____.
A. 60
B. 6
C. 50
D. 70

Question 5

What comes before 50?
A. 39
B. 49
C. 59
D. 69