Learn Class 5 Math - Geometrical Shapes and Solids

In geometry, both shapes and solid are equally important. The shape or figure of the object consisting of three dimensions is known as solid or three-dimensional shapes. However, the geometrical study of volume, properties and surface area of three-dimensional shapes is solid geometry.

Let us discuss more geometrical Solid and Shapes that every class 5 students should know.


Shapes are described as those figures that outline the forms of various objects. For example, some objects are three-dimensional; On the other hand, some are two-dimensional.

Shapes are categorized on various dimensions mentioned below:

  • Zero dimensional shapes which the point signifies.
  • One-dimensional shape is defined as a line where the dimension is determined signified as its length.
  • A two-dimensional shape is indicated by a figure consisting of length and breadth as its dimensions, including rhombus, parallelogram, quadrilateral, polygon, etc.
  • A three-dimensional shape is defined as an object where length, breadth, and height are considered three-dimension. For example, sphere, pyramid, prism etc.

Understanding the geometrical shape is very important for the class five students as it helps evaluate the value of the particular shape.


In geometrical, you will find there are several types of solids. Solid is usually defined as a three-dimensional shape because it contains three dimensions: length, breadth, and height. A body occupying space is known as solids.

The understanding of geometrical shape and shape has become even more important for the class five students. First, it helps in evaluating the value of the particular shape. Second, it is the basics of geometry. Therefore, without learning the basics, you can’t understand the concept of geometry.

Learning Videos for 5th Grade Math - Geometrical Shapes and Solids

Geometrical Shapes and Solids Sample Questions for Class 5

Question 1

Which shape has two sets of parallel sides?
A. Square
B. Parallelogram
C. Rectangle
D. All of the above

Question 2

Which of the following cannot have length as its measurement ?
A. Point
B. Line
C. Triangle
D. Square

Question 3

Which geometrical shape has 90° measure of all its angles?
A. Triangle
B. Parallelogram
C. Rectangle
D. All of the above

Question 4

Which geometrical shape has 90° measure of all its angles?
A. Triangle
B. Parallelogram
C. Rectangle
D. All of the above

Question 5

In the given figure which points are collinear on line m ?