Learn Class 6 Science - Changes Around Us

We live in a world where change is the only constant. Change can take many forms, including physical, chemical, and biological. The changes around us help us to adapt to situations efficiently, enabling us to sustain efficiently.

Types of Changes

We live in an environment that is constantly changing. Some changes are reversible, and some are irreversible.

Reversible change

The changes like that of dough to chapati and back to dough isn’t possible. These kinds of changes are referred to as irreversible changes.

Irreversible change

Whereas, if we dry cloth from its wet state and again if we want, it can be changed back to wet. As a cloth can soak out water as well as dry it. These kinds of changes are referred to as reversible changes.

Change in Physical State

Similarly, changes can also occur by changing their physical states. When lemon is added to milk, it turns to curd. But the reverse is not possible.

Changes can be made by either changing their basic state. Changes can be made by the mixture of 2 substances or by making changes in their normal state. Many changes that take place are reversible, and some are irreversible.

The changes in the state of a substance determine the kind of changes that take place. So, changes can be made by a mixture of substances or by a change in state.

Changes Around Us Sample Questions for Class 6

Question 1

Changes Around Us Worksheet-2 Changes Around Us Worksheet-2 When magnesium ribbon is burnt, heat and light are produced. It is an example of
A. Chemical change
B. Physical and irreversible change
C. Chemical and exothermic change
D. Chemical and endothermic change

Question 2

Expansion on heating, contraction on cooling and change of state is
A. Chemical change
B. Permanent change
C. Reversible change
D. Irreversible change

Question 3

Reverse of boiling is
A. Condensation
B. Evaporation
C. Vaporization
D. Freezing

Question 4

In burning of paper
A. A new substance is formed
B. Change is permanent
C. Both A new substance is formed & Change is permanent
D. Physical change occurs

Question 5

The process in which heat is taken in are
A. Evaporation and melting
B. Freezing and condensation
C. Freezing and evaporation
D. Condensation and melting