Learn Class 6 Science - Food and its Components

All living things consume food to live. Food gives us energy and helps maintain a healthy body.

We obtain food from various sources. But today, the majority of the food we consume is unhealthy and can lead to harmful diseases. Thus, we should be careful about the food we intake.

Components of food

We eat different varieties of foods, and each differs in its components. The components of food are as follows:


The carbohydrates are present in the food in the form of starch and sugars. These break down into glucose and enrich our bodies with energy.


The fats help in storing energy, and it helps energize and protect the crucial organs.


Bodybuilding foods are proteins that help in the process of metabolism by acting as enzymes and hormones.


Vitamins are significant components in food. They help in boosting the immune systems, repairing cells, and maintaining healthy bones. The various vitamins include A, B complex, C, D, etc. The deficiency of vitamins in the body can lead to many deficiency diseases.


Iodine helps in the formation of thyroid hormones.


Calcium plays a vital role in strengthening the bones and functioning of the nervous system.


It helps in the maintenance of the acid-base balance in the body.

Food and its Components Sample Questions for Class 6

Question 1

What can we do to minimize over-usage of plastics and deal with garbage?
A. We should carry a plastic bag when we go out for shopping
B. We should burn plastic bags and other plastic items
C. We can use vermicomposting at home to deal with our kitchen waste
D. We should use only single side of the paper to write.

Question 2

Landfill is an area where the garbage collected from a city or town is
A. Dumped
B. Recycled
C. Burned
D. Both Recycled & Burned

Question 3

Which of the following is a symptom of vitamin D deficiency?
A. Poor vision
B. Weak muscles and very little energy to work
C. Bleeding gums
D. Bones become soft and bent

Question 4

Over-nutrition is a form of main nutrition in which nutrients are over supplied relative to the amounts required for normal growth, development and metabolism. Over-nutrition leads to
A. Deficiency disease
B. Obesity
C. Thin and weak body
D. All of these

Question 5

Cinchona, isabgol, neem, Rauwolfia are
A. Oil yielding plants
B. Medicinal plants
C. Fibre yielding plants
D. Food plants