Learn Class 6 Science - Sorting and Separation of Materials

Every day we see different things in our surroundings, and everything is of some material. We identify materials because each material varies in various aspects.

The classification of materials depending on their properties


Every material looks different from one another. For example, the paper looks different from a pencil, iron looks different from copper, and so on. But although some materials look different, they might have some similarities.


The materials which we cannot compress with our hands are called hard materials. These include stone, table, and many more.

The materials which we can press with our hands are soft. Examples are cotton, sponges.

We can easily differentiate materials based on their hardness by touching them.


Some materials are transparent, which means the other side is visible through these materials. Examples are glass, water, and air.

Separation of materials

Some situations insist on the separation of materials from one another.


We can separate large materials with this method. Examples are rice and pulses.


The separation of grains from stalks is called threshing.


In this method, the lighter and heavier particles of a mixture separate by blowing air.


In sieving, the flour is allowed to pass through the sieve leaving behind the impurities.


In this method, when water is substituted the mixture, and the heavier component settle down.


The transformation of water into its vapor is called evaporation.

Sorting and Separation of Materials Sample Questions for Class 6

Question 1

Select the transparent substance from the following
A. Wood
B. Stone
C. Mirror
D. Glass

Question 2

When no more salt can be dissolved in water at a particular temperature then the solution a that temperature is called
A. Unsaturated
B. Saturated
C. Sometimes saturated sometimes unsaturated
D. None of these

Question 3

The substances like wood, bricks, etc. which do not allow any light to pass through them are
A. Transparent objects
B. Translucent objects
C. Opaque objects
D. None of these

Question 4

Differenced in size of components is a solid-solid mixture is the principle of
A. Hand-picking
B. Threshing
C. Winnowing
D. Washing

Question 5

A machine which is used for harvesting, threshing as well as for separting the grains from straw is called
A. Harvester
B. Thresher
C. Sieve
D. Ladle