Learn Class 8 Science - Microorganisms

Microorganisms are organisms that are too small to view with the naked eye. The majority of these species are single-celled.

Bacteria, the All Around Us


  • Bacteria are prokaryotic bacteria that have only one cell.
  • Some bacteria are beneficial to humans, while others are potentially dangerous.
  • Among these four types are Vibrio, Bacillus, Cocci, and Spirilla.


Probiotics are living bacteria and yeasts beneficial to one's overall health, particularly the digestive system.

Fungi are fond of death


  • Fungi are organisms that are either saprophytic or parasitic.
  • They are primarily multicellular and not microscopic.
  • On the other hand, Yeast is a single-celled organism with a tiny size.


  • The fermentation process consists of turning sugars into acids, gases, or alcohols.
  • Fermentation makes both curd and alcoholic beverages possible.

Creepy Protozoans


  • Flagellates, ciliates, sporozoans, and various other single-celled tiny creatures are all examples of protozoa.
  • Amoeba, paramecium, euglena, plasmodium, and other organisms are only a few examples.

Viruses in the Real World


  • Viruses are nucleic acid-containing creatures that cannot replicate.
  • As a result, a virus cannot survive without a living cell.
  • Viruses are similarly thought to be on the edge of being both alive and nonliving.
  • Viruses such as influenza, HIV, Rabies, poliovirus, tobacco mosaic virus, and others are just a few examples.

Microorganisms Sample Questions for Class 8

Question 1

Golgi apparatus are involved in:
A. Transporting proteins that are to be released from the cell only
B. Packaging proteins into vesicles only
C. Altering or modifying proteins only
D. all of these

Question 2

Cell is best defined as:
A. The largest part of a living being
B. The part that can be seen only under microscope
C. The starting point in the life of all organisms
D. The structural and functional unit of life

Question 3

Which of the following gives the cell its shape, maintains its size, protects the structures inside the cell and is selectively permeable?
A. Cell wall
B. Nuclear membrane
C. Cell membrane
D. Tonoplast

Question 4

Which type of tissue is responsible for receiving, interpreting and producing a response to stimuli?
A. Muscle tissue
B. Nervous tissue
C. Epithelial tissue
D. Connective tissue

Question 5

Some plants have chloroplasts. What is the function of the chloroplasts?
A. To absorb carbon dioxide during photosynthesis
B. To break up water into hydrogen and oxygen during photosynthesis
C. It has chlorophyll for absorbing light energy
D. To form starch and glucose in sunlight