Learn Class 10 Math - Areas Related to Circles

The circle is a term that has three possibilities, including the non-intersecting point, single common point, or two common points.

The line will touch the circle in the single common point, whereas the line will cut the circle in the two common points.


  • The area of the circle is in terms of πr2.
  • The r is the radius of the circle.
  • And d = 2r, in which d is the circle's diameter.
  • The circumference of the circle refers to the 2πr.
  • The unit of the circle is always in square terms.

Elements of the circle

  • Radius

    The radius is the constant distance from the circle.

  • Diameter

    The diameter is the full length that passes through the circle.

  • Chord

    The line that joins any two circle points is known as a chord.

  • Circumference

    The circle's circumference is the perimeter of the circle that evolved around the whole circle. At the time of evaluation, you will also get the term perimeter of the circle.


The radius of the circle is 4 cm. What is the circle area?


The area of the given circle is equal to πr2.

Put 4 in the term r of the circle.

A = π ( 4 ) (4)

= 16 π = 50.27.