Learn Class 10 Math - Triangles

The term triangle refers to a figure that consists of three vertices and three sides. Triangles are of various types. All the types of triangles are different from each other.


  • Acute angle triangle
  • Right angle triangle
  • Obtuse angle triangle
  • Isosceles angle triangle
  • Equilateral triangle
  • Scalene triangle

The theorem of the Triangle

The triangle is of different types, and all the properties of the triangle are discussed below:

  • AAA ( Angle- Angle - Angle)

    If all two angles are equal in the triangle, then the whole sides of the triangle are equal. It shows that the two triangles are congruent to each other.

  • SAS (Side- Angle - Side)

    When the two sides of the triangle are equal, the angle between the triangles is also equal.

  • SSS (Side- Side - Side)

    If, in a triangle, all the sides are equal, then their corresponding angles are also equal. With the help of this theorem, the triangles will get congruent.

Pythagoras theorem

  • The Pythagoras theorem of a triangle includes the three things, i.e., Hypotenuse, Perpendicular, and Base.
  • The theorem will get implemented on the right angle triangle.

The formula for triangle:

The basic formula for a triangle is ½ . b. h. Pascal invented the triangles for the first time in 1653.