Learn Class 9 Math - Introduction to Euclid’s Geometry

The term geometry is a word that comes from the two Greek words, i.e., geo and metron. The geo refers to the earth & metron refers to measure. It is a term that includes different concepts.

Meaning of different points

Different sets of points are present to help you get an idea about the Euclid geometry.

All the points are discussed here below:

  • Point:

    The term point refers to the thing that includes components.

  • Line:

    The term line refers to the length that does not include breadth.

  • Line segment:

    The term line segment refers to the endpoints of the present line points, making them a line segment.

  • Straight-line:

    The term straight-line refers to the line lying evenly with the points.

  • Surface:

    The term surface refers to the piece of object that consists of both length & breadth.

  • Edges:

    The term edges refer to the surface of the lines.

  • Plane surface:

    The plane surface refers to the surface that lies with the straight lines.


The term axioms refer to the specific items used in mathematics in an indirect form.


When two things are equal to one common thing, they are always equal, i.e., p = q & s = q, which results in p = s.