Learn Class 7 Math - Congruence of Triangles

The term triangle refers to a closed figure that includes three sides, vertices, and angles.

The congruent triangles are always equal in shape. Different properties state the unity of a triangle.

Different types of triangles

  • Isosceles angle triangle:

    The isosceles triangle is a triangle whose two among three sides are equal.

  • Equilateral triangle:

    The equilateral triangle is a triangle whose all the sides are equal. And it forms a 60° angle.

Congruence theorems

Different theorems prove the congruence of a triangle. These theorems are discussed here below:

  1. SAS:

    The SAS property refers to Side-Angle-Side. This theorem makes the triangle congruent with one angle and two sides.

  2. AAS:

    The SAS property refers to Side-Angle-Side. This theorem makes the triangle congruent with one angle and two sides.

  3. SSS:

    The SSS property refers to Side - Side - Side. It makes the triangle congruent when its three sides are equal to the other triangle.

  4. ASA:

    The ASA property refers to Angle - Side - Angle. It makes the triangle congruent when it's one alongside, and two angles are equal.

These all theorems will make the triangle congruent.