Learn Class 7 Math - Fractions and Decimals

The term decimal refers to the number system that helps in expressing the fraction & whole numbers. The number present in the decimal consists of a ‘.’ symbol in it. In comparison, the term fraction refers to a number system always presented in the form of a / b.

When we have to convert the decimal number to a fraction, we have to remove the dot, i.e., 1.5 is a decimal number, and when we convert it into a fraction, it will be 15/10, i.e., 3/2. Or 2.5 is a decimal number, whereas 25/10 is a fraction. And it is equal to 5/2.

Types of Decimals

The different types of decimals are discussed here below:

1. Recurring Decimal Number:

  • These are the decimals that get repeated. Or they are non-terminating decimals.
  • Example: 2.125125 is a finite number. And 2.12121212…. is an infinite number.

2. Decimal fraction:

  • The decimal fraction is a type of fraction that contains the power in ten.
  • Example: 81.65 = 8165/100.

3. Non-recurring Decimal Number:

  • These are the types of decimal numbers that come in the category of non-repeating. Or they are the terminating numbers.
  • Example: 2.3476 is a finite number. And 2.1456 is an infinite number.

Fractions and Decimals Sample Questions for Class 7

Question 1

Find the weight of 24 bags if three same kind of bags weigh 18.90 kg.
A. 151.2 kg
B. 453.6 kg
C. 226.8 kg
D. 380.65 kg

Question 2

If 4.5 L of juice is distributed in glass each of 125mL capacity, then how many glasses will be required?
A. 45
B. 36
C. 40
D. 52

Question 3

A car can cover 13.6 km in one litre of petrol. How much distance it can cover in 4.5 litre of petrol?
A. 69.5 km
B. 72.8 km
C. 56.5 km
D. 61.2 km

Question 4

Find the product of : 0.04 × 3.56 × 2.1 .
A. 0.29904
B. 0.20994
C. 0.24990
D. 0.29490

Question 5

There is 5.82 m long ribbon cut into 11 equal pieces. What will be the length of each piece?
A. 52.91 m
B. 5.291 cm
C. 52.91 cm
D. 529.1 cm