Learn Class 7 Math - The Triangle and its Properties

Triangle is a three-figure term that is a closed figure.

It consists of three sides, angles, and vertices. We can see that triangles are of different types. All these types of triangles vary from one another.

Types of the triangle

  • Right angle triangle

    The triangle forms an angle of 90 degrees.

  • Isosceles angle triangle

    It is a type of triangle whose two sides are equal.

  • Equilateral triangle

    It is a triangle whose all the given sides are equal.

Properties of the triangle

  • Sum of Angle property

    The angle sum property of a triangle includes that the whole angle sum of the triangle is equal to 180 degrees.

  • Exterior angle property

    The exterior angle property of the triangle states that it is always equal to the opposite interior angle.

  • Pythagoras theorem

    This triangle property includes the three things, i.e., Hypotenuse, Perpendicular, and Base. And it is represented as H^2 = P^2 + B^2.

Properties of an equilateral triangle

  • The property of an equilateral triangle states that all sides are equal.
  • And each angle of the equilateral triangle is equal to 60°.

Properties of an isosceles triangle

  • This property states that the two sides of the triangle are always equal.
  • And one side always differs in size from the other sides.

The Triangle and its Properties Sample Questions for Class 7

Question 1

Find the largest angle of the triangle ABC if angles are in ratio 3 : 5 : 4.
A. 60°
B. 75°
C. 80°
D. 65°

Question 2

The acute angles of a right angled traingle are in ratio 2 :3 . Find each angle.
A. 36° and 54°
B. 30° and 60°
C. 32° and 58°
D. 41° and 49°

Question 3

One of the angle of a triangle is 50°. Other two angles are equal. What is the measure of each of the equal angles?
A. 75°
B. 60°
C. 65°
D. 70°

Question 4

In a traingle PQR , 2(angle P) = 3(angle Q) = 6 (angle R). Find angle R.
A. 60°
B. 30°
C. 50°
D. 40°

Question 5

In the given figure angle B = angle F = angle C = angle E = 60 °. What is the sum of angle A and angle D?
A. 130°
B. 150°
C. 100°
D. 120°