Learn Class 7 Math - Perimeter and Area

The term perimeter refers to the coverage of the length of a figure from the outside. At the same time, the area is known as the object's surface. For different sets of figures, there are different formulas.

Different figures

Here, all different figures consist of different perimeters and areas. These are:

  • Square

    The perimeter of the square is 4a, and its area is a^2.

    Note: In the formula, a is the side of a square.

  • Rectangle

    The rectangle's perimeter is 2 (l + b), and its area equals l x b.

    Note: In the formula, l & b are the length and breadth of the square.

  • Circle

    The circle's perimeter is 2πr, and its area is equal to πr^2.

    Note: r is the radius of a circle, i.e., r = 2d (d = diameter)

  • Triangle

    The triangle's area is equal to ½ x b x h.

  • Parallelogram

    The parallelogram's area is b x h.

Units Conversion

To get the area and perimeter of a closed figure, we have to consider all figures in one unit. Only then do we have to apply the formula to get the results.

  • 1 cm = 10 mm
  • 1 m = 100 cm
  • 1 km = 1000 m
  • 1 hectare = 100 x 100 m

Perimeter and Area Sample Questions for Class 7

Question 1

The length of rectangle is 1620 cm and breadth is 20 m. What is the area of the rectangle?
A. 324 m²
B. 324 cm²
C. 3240 cm²
D. 3240 m²

Question 2

Each diagonal of a square is 14 cm long. What is area of a square?
A. 120 cm²
B. 98 cm²
C. 196 cm²
D. None of the above

Question 3

The area of a square is 50 cm². What is measure of its diagonal?
A. 5 cm
B. 12 cm
C. 10 cm
D. None of the above

Question 4

The length of the rectangle is thrice its breadth. The perimeter of a rectangle is 392 cm. What is its length?
A. 112 cm
B. 105 cm
C. 123 cm
D. 147 cm

Question 5

On increasing each side of square by 10 % , the area of square will increase by ______.
A. 21%
B. 10%
C. 32%
D. 15%