Learn Class 4 English - Nouns and Pronouns

What are nouns and pronouns? And how can one define the different types of nouns? The noun is a name of a place, person, animal, emotion, or thing. And pronoun is the one that one can use in the place of a noun.


'Noun' is a word that can include touchable and non- touchable things.

Touchable things:

  • The things we can see and touch with our hands are known as 'touchable things.'
  • LIKE: person, animal, place, etc.

Untouchable things:

  • The things which are not able to see or touch. Only we can feel them, which are the 'untouchable things.'
  • LIKE: emotions.

Types of nouns:

  1. Proper Noun: Ravi, Jaipur, The Taj Mahal.
  2. Common Noun: Girl, Boy, City, Building.
  3. Collective Noun: Army, Crowd, Jury, Fleet.
  4. Material Noun: Iron, Cotton, Wool.
  5. Abstract Noun: Honesty, Wisdom, Beauty, Poverty.


The word used in the place of noun is called ‘pronoun’

Types of nouns:

  1. Personal Pronoun: I, He, She, They, You, We, & It.
  2. Possessive Pronoun: My-mine, your-yours, them-theirs, & our-ours.
  3. Reflexive Pronoun: Myself, Yourself, Ourself, Himself, Herself, & itself.
  4. Demonstrative Pronoun: This, That, These, Those, One & Ones.
  5. Relative Pronoun: Who, Which, What, Whose, Whom, & What.

Learning Videos for 4th Grade English - Nouns and Pronouns

Nouns and Pronouns Sample Questions for Class 4

Question 1

Choose the kind of noun for the words in quotes: Dr. Rajendra prasad was the first "president" of india.
A. proper noun
B. common noun
C. collective noun
D. Abstract noun

Question 2

Choose the correct abstract noun from the given options to complete the sentence: -------------------- is next to godliness.
A. kind
B. cleanliness
C. coldness
D. charity

Question 3

Choose the correct abstract noun from the given options to complete the sentence: Real.
A. Estate
B. State
C. Country
D. City

Question 4

Choose the correct animal corresponding to its group: A school of ----------------
A. fish
B. tigers
C. cubs
D. geese

Question 5

Choose the correct animal corresponding to its group: A swarm of ------------------------
A. crocodiles
B. bees
C. ducks
D. dogs