Learn Class 4 English - Synonyms

The words that give the same meaning as the word are called synonyms. It means that one can use the word in place of each other.

Meaning of Synonyms

Whether you use the word or the similar word in the sentence, the meaning of the sentence can not change.

Some common examples of synonyms are in the table:

S.No. Words Synonyms
1. Abate Decrease, Moderate
2. Abash Rattle, Disconnect
3. Accord Harmony, Agreement
4. Busy Active, Engaged
5. Bold Adventurous
6. Blunt Dull
7. Capable Able, Competent
8. Consent Permit, Agree
9. Concur Agree, Approve
10. Cement Plaster
11. Eager Keen
12. Intelligent Clever, Smart, Brilliant
13. Loyal Faithful, Devoted
14. Vacant Empty
15. Wet Damp, Soggy
16. Young Budding, Tenderfoot
17. Benefit Revenue, Profit, Yield
18. Brave Heroic, Courageous
19. Hungry Starved, Empty

Fill ups:

Fill the opposite word of the bracket.

  1. She is clever (intelligent).
  2. My friend is busy (engaged)
  3. She is keen to know about the book (eager).
  4. Ram is a brave boy (Courageous).
  5. Shika is a loyal girl (Faithful).
  6. The clothes are damp (wet).
  7. Hari is a young boy (Budding).
  8. Pour the water into cement (plaster).
  9. Be brave ( heroic).

Learning Videos for 4th Grade English - Synonyms

Synonyms Sample Questions for Class 4

Question 1

Choose the correct synonym of the given word: Pause
A. Stop
B. Move
C. Walk
D. Run

Question 2

Choose the correct synonym of the given word: Furious
A. Cute
B. Lovable
C. Mindful
D. Angry

Question 3

Choose the correct synonym of the given word: Diminish
A. Glade
B. Grow
C. Belittle
D. Raise

Question 4

Choose the correct synonym of the given word: Realise
A. Fail
B. Refuse
C. Ignore
D. Understand

Question 5

A group of four words is given. Out of four options, three are synonyms. Choose the odd one out:0.
A. Inquire
B. Ask
C. Query
D. Answer